Building a Better Budget

Budgeting is an important aspect of your journey toward financial wellness. In this video, you’ll learn more about the purpose of budget and how it can help you manage your day-to-day expenses, how to build a comprehensive budget, addressing shortfalls and monitoring your plan to ensure you are meeting your goals.

Understanding Mortgages

Thinking about buying a new home or refinancing your existing mortgage loan? During this video, you’ll learn about the different types of mortgages and the costs associated with mortgage loans. We’ll provide you with steps you can take now to prepare for buying a house. Then, we’ll explore the benefits of refinancing to help you determine if and when it may be a good time for you to refinance.

Mentoring The Next Generation To Be Money Smart

Did you know that kids as young as three can grasp the concept of how money works? And yet, most graduate high school without ever taking a course on financial basics. That leaves us – parents, grandparents and influential adults – to teach children the importance of budgeting and saving. During this session, we’ll review key concepts to teach at every age level and provide some tips and resources to help you get started. If you have younger people in life that you care about, don’t miss this session.

Strategies to Effectively Manage Your Finances

Financial wellness is a buzzword in the financial industry today, but what does it really mean? This video take a deep dive into the four pillars of financial wellness – budgeting, emergency savings, debt management and planning for the future. You’ll learn more about each of these topics and walk away with practical and applicable skills and action items you can use to improve your overall financial health.