Health Care Exchange

MERS has partnered with Mercer, a private retiree health care exchange, to provide retirees with access to quality benefits at an affordable cost. In this short video, you’ll learn more about the benefits of this option, hear how you can use the MERS Health Care Savings Program to assist with premium costs and get information on taking steps to find a plan that meets your needs.

Health Care Savings Program (HCSP) Overview

In this short video covering the MERS Health Care Savings Program (HCSP), you’ll learn more about, retiree health care considerations, what is HCSP and how does it work?, contribution options, the benefits of tax-free investing, who can use the account and when, reimbursement and payment options, and eligible expenses.

Retiring with a MERS Defined Contribution Plan

Do you have a MERS Defined Contribution Plan? Are you interested in learning more about plan considerations and saving for your future? If so, check out this video where we walk through the importance of participation and tips to create a paycheck in retirement. We’ll also review investment, beneficiary and distribution information.

Building a Better Budget

Budgeting is an important aspect of your journey toward financial wellness. In this video, you’ll learn more about the purpose of budget and how it can help you manage your day-to-day expenses, how to build a comprehensive budget, addressing shortfalls and monitoring your plan to ensure you are meeting your goals.

Understanding Forfeitures

This short video provides an overview of forfeitures in the MERS Defined Contribution and Hybrid Plans. Employers will learn what they are and the options to utilize funds in accordance with IRS guidelines.

Understanding the Current and Future Health of Your Defined Benefit Plan

If you offer a Defined Benefit Plan, your Annual Actuarial Valuation (AAV) is an important tool to help you understand the current and future health of your retirement plan. We will walk you through understanding key components of your AAV, and what those numbers tell you about your plan’s current costs and future sustainability.

Debt Management Strategies

Ever felt trapped by your growing amount of debt? It can accumulate fast and leave you in a deep financial hole. By understanding the categories of debt such as “good” versus “bad”, you can learn how to put a repayment strategy in place.

MERS 457 Program Overview

This video will provide valuable information and insight on how the MERS 457 Supplemental Savings Program works.