Understanding Your Investment Choices

Note: This page applies to the MERS Defined Contribution Plan, Hybrid Plan, and the 457 Program. Or visit the page for the Health Care Savings Program.

Investment Menu

The MERS Investment Menu is simplified into three categories to help you find the investment mix that best meets your investment style:

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Do it for me LifePath Target Date Funds are a simplified way to invest. These options are fully diversified, professionally managed, and automatically adjust over time as you get closer to retirement. Learn about LifePath.

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Help me do it These Premium Select Options were actively chosen for you by MERS. Here you have access to pre-built portfolios that MERS helps you manage by monitoring the investment managers and rebalancing the portfolio quarterly. It also gives you access to selected funds to help you build your own portfolio. Learn about Premium Select.

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I’ll do it myself The Self-Directed Brokerage Account gives you access to funds outside of MERS investment menu. The available investments under this window have not been reviewed by MERS. You are solely responsible for determining the appropriateness of the investment options. Learn about Self-Directed Brokerage.

 Brief: Excessive Fund Choice Undermines Performance

Investment Menu Oversight

The MERS Retirement Board and Office of Investments selects and monitors the investment choices that are available to you. They actively review the fund lineup, investment managers, and index funds available and make changes as needed, based on strict criteria.

The following are some examples of the criteria used to guide decisions:

  • Comparative risk ratio against peers and benchmarks
  • Comparative expense ratio against peers in its category
  • Consistent investment style
  • Stable investment management team
  • Material legal, regulatory, or reputation changes

How Does This Benefit You?

You receive an experienced team that oversees the investment choices available to you. They do the necessary research, due diligence and monitoring of the various managers of the funds – ensuring you have quality options available.

Investment Menus